A focus on a natural environment with plants, water, rocks and sand to provide our children an environment to explore, discover and enjoy.
Bilby Room 0-24 Months
Our Nursery rooms are designed to be small and intimate to assist in developing strong bonds between children and educators. Your child’s daily routine is based on that at home to ensure a consistency of care.
Your child will be engaged in a range of learning experiences, including gross motor and sensory experiences to help them reach their developmental potential.
Our open door policy means you are welcome at any time to visit your child and to share in the everyday programs at our service.
Our fees are inclusive of breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, late snack, nappies, bed linen, formula and sunscreen and all incursions throughout the year.
Koala Room 2-3 Years
Our Preschool classroom will be led by a qualified Early Childhood Teacher, delivering a curriculum to focus on children’s social and emotional skills, which children can utilize on a daily basis and readiness in a formal schooling environment.
Building on the skills developed in the Koala room, this group of children are naturally curious about their environment.
We encourage children to be explorers, problem solvers and creators. To support children in this, our program will focus on fostering self-esteem, emotional well-being, communication, socialization, collaboration and self-help skills.
Kids First Early Learning Centre will participate in the Early Learning Languages Australia program (ELLA) program. ELLA is a digital, play-based program which includes a series of interactive applications (apps), aimed at making language learning engaging and interesting to young children in preschool.
Our comprehensive School Readiness Program covers the key Kindergarten Learning areas.
Our fees are inclusive of breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, late snack, bed linen and sunscreen. Music & language lessons are included as well as many incursions throughout the year.
Emu Room 3-5 Years
Our Preschool classroom will be led by a qualified Early Childhood Teacher, delivering a curriculum to focus on children’s social and emotional skills, which children can utilize on a daily basis and readiness in a formal schooling environment.
Building on the skills developed in the Koala room, this group of children are naturally curious about their environment.
We encourage children to be explorers, problem solvers and creators. To support children in this, our program will focus on fostering self-esteem, emotional well-being, communication, socialization, collaboration and self-help skills.
Kids First Early Learning Centre will participate in the Early Learning Languages Australia program (ELLA) program. ELLA is a digital, play-based program which includes a series of interactive applications (apps), aimed at making language learning engaging and interesting to young children in preschool.
Our comprehensive School Readiness Program covers the key Kindergarten Learning areas.
Our fees are inclusive of breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, late snack, bed linen and sunscreen. Music & language lessons are included as well as many incursions throughout the year.
Outdoor Environment
Our physical environment is regarded as equal in importance to that of the educators’ role. The multi award winning design team have designed a children’s oasis. A focus on a natural environment with plants, water, rocks and sand to provide our children an environment to explore, discover and enjoy.